Saturday, September 13, 2014


                         Employability Skills, Job Skills - Youth Central

Employability skills are general skills that are needed to get most jobs, but they also help you to stay in a job and work your way to the top.(Employability skills, n,d)
While there will always be some job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most employers will also want you to have some general skills. 

1. Communication
2. Teamwork
3. Problem Solving
4. Initiative and Enterprise
5. Planning and Organising
6. Self-Management
8. Technology

Reference : 
Employability skills. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2014, from & Careers/Planning your career/Employability skills/

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that Skills can also be developed through the work and also life experience he/she gains. This cannot be taught unless it is learned. Skills is what we lack today mostly !
