Businesses and other organisations face ever growing calls to be accountable to their stakeholders; including customers, employees, local communities as well as investors. Companies seeking to navigate and negotiate these evolving demands and demonstrate their performance have responded with an explosion of metrics, reports, and assurance mechanisms.
Yet the AccountAbility Institute finds that sustainable development requires organisations to do more, faster and better, and not to be solely guided by doing no harm. As organisations rise to the challenge, their responsible practises will be judged more by what they do than what they avoid doing.
Organisational accountability needs to drive learning and influence decision-making in ways that move responsible practises beyond compliance towards strategy, innovation, and performance.This means aligning an organisation's response to stakeholder concerns and environmental issues with their strategy for long term success.

Our work

  • Redefining "Materiality" to engage stakeholder views on the vital sustainable development issues that will influence organisational performance in a material way.
  • Establishing the benchmarks for corporate responsibility leadership.
  • Researching developments at the cutting-edge of business strategy, reporting, and assurance.
  • Developing tools, standards, and guidance to help companies align their business strategy and approach to accountability.
  • Supporting members in implementing credible and useful stakeholder engagement, strategic planning, reporting and assurance processes through the practical application of the AA1000 Series.

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